I once had a boss, back in New York City, who asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I simply replied that I wanted to be of service to others. She laughed loudly throwing back her head...
Read more"Italy has become a home away from home for me. As an historian and archaeologist by training, I have a special appreciation for the country's rich history and I've always had a fascination for the role of the Catholic Church...
Read moreKnown for featuring strong women characters, spotlighting mental illness and grabbing titles from songs he loves, the mainstream press never seems to notice one strong theme: Lamb’s Italian background.
Read moreTutto iniziò con un ragazzino che ricoprì i muri di New York del suo nome scritto a pennarello. Poi venne Banksy e le folle adoranti. Poi imbiancarono i Five Pointz e ora Blu imbianca se stesso. Cosa resta della Street...
Read moreSu Instagram ha annunciato il suo arrivo a New York e lo street artist parigino Space Invader è già all'opera per disseminare la città di nuove, pixelate, icone pop. Noi ci siamo messi sulle sue tracce. Non è stato facile, ma...
Read moreOver the course of an engrossing conversation, Amara Lakhous, an Italian-Algerian writer, talked about Italian, a language he loves and in which he has chosen to write. As a non-native speaker, the process of acquiring Italian itself has made Lakhous...
Read moreÈ tempo di dire addio alla città eterna, di ibernarsi per l'inverno. Ma quello che ho visto e provato a Roma non lo dimenticherò e attraverso le storie che potrò raccontare riuscirò a conservare quell'ebbrezza (Read this article in English)
Read moreIt's time to bid farewell to the Eternal City, to slip into a hibernation for winter. But what I have witnessed and experienced in Rome will never be forgotten and, through the stories that I will be able to tell, that high will stay...
Read moreVNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024 — La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022
VNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024
La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022