InScena! with Irene takes the adorable Jessica Leonello, protagonist of Cingomma, on a trip to Grand Central Station. In the heart of New York transportation hub, Jessica tells us about her monologue rooted in the theme of contemporary travel neuroses.
Her research starts from a journey in the past and then moves to the stories of migrants returning home to their roots, traveling backwards through the history of Italy and its changing customs. One performer and many characters, all connected to the "roots", "le radici".
Jessica Leonello is a “Louis Jouvet” school of Mime and Commedia dell’Arte alumni. In 2012 the monologue Cingomma was awarded the 2012 Petroni Award and the 2014 OFFerta Creative Award. With her is her trusted traveling buddy and colleague, Mauro Faccioli who tells us how collaborations start from a common vision and a mutual love for journeys.
May 7 at 7:30pm at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo at NYU, 24 W 12th Street, Manhattan.
Full production in Italian with supertitles.