From the Week of the Italian Language in the World and the Joint Action conference in Florence, we certainly heard positive and encouraging news. What is needed is a dialogue to better appreciate the reality of the U.S. with respect...
Read moreOver the course of an engrossing conversation, Amara Lakhous, an Italian-Algerian writer, talked about Italian, a language he loves and in which he has chosen to write. As a non-native speaker, the process of acquiring Italian itself has made Lakhous...
Read moreNot only I want to be able to know what people are expressing, but I wish to reciprocate on somewhat of the same level. Learning the language is not only a matter of convenience and personal satisfaction, but also of...
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VNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024
La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022