“Italy was the first Western country to be heavily affected by Covid-19. The government and the community, at all levels, reacted strongly and reversed the trajectory of the epidemic with a series of science-based measures.” This is the tweet accompanying the video posted by the World Health Organization on Twitter, on September 25th. The video traces the development of the pandemic in Italy, with a series of testimonials and interviews showing Italy’s battle against the virus. Conte retweeted the video, writing “The World Health Organization pays tribute to Italy.”
Health Minister Roberto Speranza also responded to the post, reminding people not to “reverse the efforts made to date”, recalling that the road is still long. In fact, given the recent increase in COVID-19 infections in Europe, Italy must be careful of “its neighbors”, such as Spain and France, to avoid the advent of a second wave.

Despite the current fears, Italy remains an example for the world for its management of the pandemic. In fact, as early as August, WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had congratulated Italy, calling it “a source of inspiration for other countries.” Now it’s about continuing to do well, always reminding ourselves of the fear we have experienced in the past months.