I don’t usually write about politics in my column, but once in a while something so important comes along that it compels me to speak my mind. This is the case today–there’s too much happening for me to ignore because I cannot remember whether I laughed or cried when I read the most recent version of Trump’s truth. Trump has many versions of the “truth”, but none appear to be true. There has been such a wide array of choices. However, after witnessing Mick (aka Mickey Mouse) Mulvaney attempting to sanitize the conversation between Trump and Zelensky-– while admitting openly that this bartering/ quid pro quo “takes place all the time”— it’s no wonder that we are on the verge of an apocalyptic moment in history.
I do not profess to be a historian, nor a scholar on politics, but I do read (daily) the New York Times, and respect the articles, commentaries and opinion editorials written. I have also, in fairness to the other side, occasionally tuned in to Fox News, to see what is being reported/ slanted/spun. I’ve actually been in some way heartened to learn that many commentators are not exactly pro- Trump. Maintaining a ‘sympathy with the devil’ has become increasingly difficult. We’ve come full circle, as Mitch McConnell has (somewhat) finally turned on the fearless leader of the free world. He openly condemned Trump’s decision in Syria, and at last showed a human side; whereas previously his need to remain loyal to Trump has repeatedly nauseated those forced to listen.
The odds have surely backfired and continuing to bet on this despicable demon, Trump, while learning daily that there’s more to the drama, leaves us with only one option. I’ve been on the fence when it comes to impeachment. I fear, as many do, that the worst scenario could play into a victory for Trump. However, after learning that Pence would surely be indicted too, I’m becoming more optimistic. The thought of Pence taking over from an ousted President is almost as horrific as the reality of another year of Trump, or god forbid, four more. I’ve come to understand the imperative nature of putting this man to rest, and support an impeachment.
While observing the key players in this ongoing crime, I would also delight in the extinguishing of Giuliani. A man who before 9/11 was deeply unpopular in NYC and was criticized for his “wrongheaded approach to the city’s security against terrorism”, rose to heroic proportions on the strength of his performance on that fatal day, only to then plummet from such admiration to become an international embarrassment in support of Trump. I am fairly certain (although I also hold no psychological degree) that his incompetence will come to be viewed as stemming from a form of dementia. We could actually grant him compassion, if it should turn out to be true. He would then have an excuse. It is with shock and horror that we listen to his tales; “told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” (Macbeth).
What are we, as citizens of the United States, to gain from this diatribe? If we are to show our commitment to this country and unite as a nation, then it is an absolute imperative that we elect a Democrat to regain the position of President of the United States. Whether we are passionately in favor of one over another candidate is almost irrelevant. The importance of cleaning the slate, sanitizing the White House, and cleansing our souls of this disgraceful manifestation of power, is more important than choosing a God to take over. A simple human being with an intelligent, thoughtful, mature, well -spoken agenda, will do.