How could anyone forget the evocative Vedute Satellitari [Satellite Views] by Francesco Fiscardi? The artist, born in Naples in 1974, is sensitive and diligent, passionate about trips around the world and the journeys he is constantly taking in his endlessly imaginative mind. We introduced him in the November 15th issue of La Voce di New York, on the occasion of the presentation of his picture that reproduced a faithful, intriguing view of New York.
And just five months later, Fiscardi has been invited by the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, to present his work depicting the city of Milwaukee. This will be an intercultural event to be held, via Zoom, on April 29, where the artist will tell the students of an Italian course all about the innovative pictorial technique that he uses in his satellite views of international metropolitan areas.
Passionate about culture and far-off places, he has always been fascinated by Native Americans; he has read avidly about their history and goings-on since he was a child, and his passion was fueled further by exciting movies and legends set in their territories. It was inevitable, then that Milwaukee would feature in his series of Satellite Views. The work is rich in details and allusions to these territories, the origins of the tribes that have lived along the shores of Lake Michigan, the colors that still characterize the lakeside today, the green of the trees, the stunning azure of the water that laps onto the shore, the white beaches, the so-called Singing Sands.
Fiscardi says, “I have a burning desire to connect and intermingle national cultures, and I seek to do this with my canvases and my colors, inserting a dose of magic realism, an act of love aimed at helping one’s neighbor. I imagine, and sense at the same time, that Naples, like Milwaukee, is a city of great solidarity, made up of big and small stories, of people who live not just for themselves, but also for others. For me, it’s an important opportunity, an acknowledgement of the work and value of interculturality, of openness among peoples, combined with the respect that all men and women deserve. And for this I will never be able to thank Professors Robin Pickering-Iazzi and Margaret Noodin enough for providing me with this amazing opportunity”.
We remind you that Fiscardi’s works are much appreciated and on display in many countries worldwide. Some are to be found in the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Los Angeles; others in the Calandra Italian American Institute of New York City, NY; the City Hall of New York City, NY; the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Sydney, Australia; The Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations, Marseilles; the Tunisian Consulate, Naples; Capri Town Hall (NA), il Centro Internazionale di Etnostoria, Palermo and the Società Dante Alighieri, Rome.