It’s not New York without pessimism. 53% of New York’s registered voters believe the state is headed in the wrong direction, and a staggering 80% want term limits for the governor and legislators, according to a new poll. Some other...
Read moreIt's just one snapshot in time, but it's something to be happy about if you're the DeSantis campaign. An InsiderAdvantage national survey of 850 likely Republican caucus and primary voters conducted on Thursday has Florida's governor netting 18% support, nearly doubling...
Read more"No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive. There is no successor" he replied
Read moreIntanto la notizia che altri due afroamericani sono stati uccisi dalla polizia. Sta suscitando indignazione un video, rilasciato ieri - ma il fatto è avvenuto a marzo - di un afroamericano fermato e ucciso dalla polizia a Rochester, New York....
Read morePensate a quante belle idee sono state uccise per mano di sondaggi, ricerche e focus group. Quante proposte, invenzioni, programmi, film... Indicazioni di comportamento prese come oro colato, vendute come infallibili. Almeno una cosa buona è accaduta in America con...
Read moreWhen even street artist Shepard Fairey has lost hope in the man he helped get elected in 2008, Gallup's latest survey showing that Obama's approval index is lower than Nixon's and G. W. Bush's shouldn't come as a surprise. In Turkey, on the other hand, Erdoğan just...
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VNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024
La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022