Following the inimitable Stanley Tucci, a lovable and charming host of the much-adored Searching for Italy, is a refreshing diversion of television time well-spent. Based on his previous shows, it may be wise to consider a fast before feasting with...
Read more“I am sure his audience did not know all the vicissitudes experienced during his childhood and adolescence in Naples, such as the bombing of the family factory, or the strength it took to start over after WWII, or the journey,...
Read moreOur preview visit was extra special because it was as if Sordi himself had invited us. As if any minute he would come down the magnificent staircase and beckon us to make ourselves comfortable on his plush velvet-covered sofas and...
Read moreI think that every artist who comes to the city gets stimulated by its energy. It’s just the perfect place to be as a young artist. There’s no place like NYC: it’s considered the capital of the world for a...
Read moreVNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024 — La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022
VNY Media La Voce di New York © 2016 / 2024
La testata fruisce dei contributi diretti editoria d.lgs. 70/2017
Main Office: 230 Park Avenue, 21floor, New York, NY 10169 | Editorial Office/Redazione: UN Secretariat Building, International Press Corps S-301, New York, NY 10017 | 112 East 71, Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10022