A colossal dragon named Vhagar has taken possession of the Empire State Building, turning Midtown into a surreal vision that seems plucked straight from a fantasy epic. Fear not, however, for this is no medieval siege; it is an ingenious advertising action performed by Max streaming service to announce the coming of “House of the Dragon” season two. The awe-inspiring collaboration between Max and Giant Spoon’s creative minds has turned this week-long event at one of New York’s most iconic landmarks into something truly spectacular.
A mythical beast Vhagar, hovers in the air— held by more than 153 rigging points and brought into existence by Bigger Than Life Advertising. The dragon was carefully constructed using 1,700 patterns and stitching together 600,000 inches of seams. Now it dominates the skyline surrounding the Empire State Building— drawing fans and intrigued passersby to its majestic presence like moths to a flame.
For the best view of Vhagar, head to the southern side of the Empire State Building.
“Just after the Empire State Building pledged its allegiance to the King, Vhagar descended upon the heart of New York City and has claimed the mast of the ‘World’s Most Famous Building’ as her perch,” Tony Malkin, Chairman and CEO of the Empire State Realty Trust, said in a statement,. “Citizens of Westeros can now sit in the Iron Throne at the Observatory’s grand staircase and then rise to the 86th Floor to face the colossal beast up close as they take in the unmatched, 360-degree views from our world-famous Observatory – Tripadvisor’s #1 attraction in the United States.”
“House of the Dragon” returns for its second season on Sunday. This fantasy drama series acts as a precursor to the popular television program “Game of Thrones.”