An evocative documentary written by Roly Kornblit and Gianfranco Scancarello and directed by Francesco Fei (Apnea Film).
A journey through the stories of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, with the screening of Eredi della Shoah – Heirs of the Shoah: an evocative documentary written by Roly Kornblit and Gianfranco Scancarello and directed by Francesco Fei (by Apnea Film).
Six stories, six protagonists. Leading the journey is Roly Kornblit – whose personal and family history starts in Tel Aviv the city where he was born and raised – in search of six “grandchildren of the Shoah” who live in Italy, his country of adoption. Heirs of a common past.
An intimate and touching story that attempts to offer a new interpretation of the legacy of the Holocaust, with the aim of telling why this legacy belongs to all of us and how and how much the Holocaust has settled in the private and public lives of grandchildren of the survivors, influencing their personal choices and participation in social and civil life.Six stories, six protagonists. Leading the journey is Roly Kornblit – whose personal and family history starts in Tel Aviv the city where he was born and raised – in search of six “grandchildren of the Shoah” who live in Italy, his country of adoption. Read more HERE
September 27, 2023 | 6PM
Italian Cultural Institute
686 Park Avenue, New York
Please RSVP at moc.liamg @pvsr.yncii Mentioning: “Eredi della Shoah”
Following the screening Q&A with Roly Kornblit.