In the vivid and thought-provoking new three-part television series, SEARCHING: OUR QUEST FOR MEANING IN THE AGE OF SCIENCE Alan Lightman asks deep and timeless questions: Where do we humans fit in the grand scheme of things? Why do we yearn for permanence in an impermanent universe? Are we just atoms and molecules, or something more? How does consciousness arise from the material neurons in our brains? What aspects of our humanity will be preserved as we evolve beyond biology, from Homo Sapiens to Homo Techno, part human and part machine? What are the smallest things in nature, and the largest and farthest?
To explore these questions, MIT physicist and best-selling author, Alan Lightman (Einstein’s Dreams, The Diagnosis), engages in lively, revealing and sometimes even humorous dialog with Nobel Prize-winning scientists, philosophers, ethicists and faith leaders.
Searching: Our Quest for Meaning in The Age of Science will debut with three one-hour episodes on public television stations starting on January 7, 2023 and streaming on demand on for 60 days.
All episodes will also be available starting January 7, 2023 on The series then debuts nationwide on WORLD Channel with Part 1 on Tuesday, January 17, Part 2 debuting Jan. 24, and Part 3 debuting Jan. 31. This series is made possible through the support of the John Templeton Foundation.
Lightman, series host and co-writer, is the author of six novels and many works of non-fiction including Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine and the forthcoming The Transcendent Brain: Spirituality in the Age of Science, which will be released by Penguin Random House on March 14, 2023.